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Why Be A Member

The Port Industry Association is a body that represents all operations within the Port sector. The focus is to promote, support and encourage standards and processes in training and safety. All businesses that carry out operations within the port sector need to be part of that focus to both contribute and gain the benefits of the sharing of information around these topics. This work is done through either our general meetings or through the work being done within our sub-committees.

Key reasons to be a member are:

  • When new standards are developed you will be the first to know and can help to ensure they will work for you when they are developed.
  • You can benchmark your safety record with other operations as part of our statistical capture.
  • You will hear speakers on a wide range of topics related to our sector at our general meetings to add to your knowledge.
  • You are part of meetings held with regulators whether directly or via our sub-committee reporting of the outcomes from those meetings.
  • You can network much more widely with others in the sector who have common interests and concerns and to share ideas for solving common problems.

Join us now and download the
membership application form