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People & Capability

People and Capability

The sub committee takes a strategic approach to any industry areas of focus to achieve the best solutions and outcomes.  This committee can overlap with Health and Safety, Education and training committees as people performance and management is paramount in all Industry sectors.

Key Objectives

  • Lead industry thinking around best practice people management 
  • Review common issues core to the industry and assist to identify and co-ordinate solutions
  • Collaborate on key industry initiatives including leadership, diversity, engagement and career progression
  • Share and drive ideas for innovation through technology and other avenues
  • Central body for lobbying on behalf of our industry, including submissions on law changes (via EMA where appropriate)
  • Share information as appropriate (unless commercially sensitive) 
  • Benchmark key HR metrics 
  • Share information on common workforce related issues relevant legal opinions, learnings
  • Provide collegial support and advice for one another on workforce related issues 
  • Celebrate success

Chair person: Laura Chandler
