More About Our Industry...

Health & Safety

Being safe at work is important. It is a responsibility shared by both the employer and the employee. The Port Industry Association works with Industry experts and regulators to achieve the best safety outcomes for the Industry.

Education & Training

The Industry sub committee is committed to Education and training within the Port Industry sector.  The aim is to encourage people into the Port Industry where knowledge, skills and experience can be gained to help create a safer work environment and to further career prospects and life in general.

People & Capability

The sub committee takes a strategic approach to any industry areas of focus to achieve the best solutions and outcomes.  This committee can overlap with Health and Safety, Education and training committees as people performance and management is paramount in all Industry sectors.

Container Park

The Container Park Industry Forum consists of member representing 90% of Container Park operations being undertaken in New Zealand. 

The committee is focused on creating industry best practice guidelines to ensure NZ Container Park operations are being undertaken in the safest way possible.  

Port Security

The key focus for industry is maintaining safe and secure borders. This can only be achieved through Industry collaboration and regulator engagement which provides the platform for continual development of Industry guidelines, education and introduction of new technology.

Executive Committee

The executive committee works with Industry and regulators on any current projects and areas of focus. This is coordinated with industry experts and regulators to achieve the best outcomes for the Port Industry.

Covid-19 Management

Industry platform for collaboration and sharing of information covid related

Fatigue Management Resources

A place to share resources related to fatigue management.